Are you Lost?

Ok, I admit it. I am hung up on Lost. I remeber ringing Janine up on her birthday early this year and I interrupted her and Stuart watching Lost. If I had only known what I was doing to her I would have hung up inmediatly and called her later. However, my ignorance was such that I said "oh great, I've heard of that series" and kept on talking. Poor Janine.
Well in May this year they started showing Lost on TV in Chile (a year behind cable TV already showing the 2nd season). I watched a couple of episodes but got scared everytime so I never finished an episode! Then I discovered that people were downloading it from the internet and had copies on DVDs. That's how all started. I watched both seasons in record time and now, this weekend, I will have access to the 4 new episodes from the third season (my cousin's friend downloaded them).
And you guys? Are you also hung up on Lost or am I the only one?
Who is your favourite character and why?
Not hugely into any US series...too much money and not much story! I get bored that the storylines take so long to tell. I like that you were able to see a lot of episodes quickly. Having said that I am enjoying (when I get time to watch) How I Met Your Mother and My Name Is Earl.
I love My Name is Earl!! I also love Lost. My fave Character would by Sawyer. do not like Kate.
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